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Begin your journey of getting in the best shape of your life, lower your stress and anxiety, sharpen your mind and body, all without cutting into your daily life!

Nowadays yoga has become more and more popular in the Wetsern world. This book is written specifically with beginners and neophytes in mind. It will introduce you the concept of yoga, the different types of yoga, the philosophy behind the practice, principles, health benefits, research, surveys, practice, etiquette and tips. You will learn about equipment required for proper practice, where to do it, how to get started, and how to stick with it! This guidebook will present a number of means to practice yoga in the right way for your lifestyle and will provide you with all the necessary information to motivate you to practice yoga and offer steps to help you achieve your goals.

Yoga is a discipline comprising physical, mental and spiritual components. The Western world knows this term as a system of physical practice. However there is more to it: in its deep roots Yoga is about spiritual and mental awakening which is obtained through practicing breath and body. As it is quite difficult to give a certain definition to Yoga, we will concentrate on its modern interpretation, which is the physical practice of yoga. The word yoga is derived from word “yuj” in Vedic Sanskrit, which means “to unite” or “to join”. From this it becomes clear that the aim of the practice has always meant to unite one’s mind, spirit and body. Yoga is 5000 years old phenomenon which is the result of wise Indian philosophy. Yoga is definitely for you if you strive for clarity, simplicity and order of thoughts, internal spiritual peacefulness, self-recognition, healthy body, freedom from illusions and depression, and harmony inside. We say self-development, self-recognition, self-realization are the ultimate aims of yoga practice, however, it may sound like a dilemma but all those self-practices should lead to the simple state of mind where you should let go yourself, your ego, accept that harmony across the inner self and surrounding world that can be obtained through appreciating the beauty of every day and seeing everybody as equal to you. The aim of yoga is self-liberation and self-development. We practice yoga in order to free ourselves from fears, negative feelings, bias and become better than we are now, eliminating bad thoughts, bad speech and bad behavior. Take the time to better yourself and buy this book!

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Here’s what you can expect to find in this book…

What is YogaBasic Principles of Yoga PhilosophyBranches of YogaEight Limbs of YogaMeaning of the OmScientific ResearchWhich Type of Yoga Is For You?Where to Practice YogaA Good Yoga TeacherHow to Practice Yoga At HomeThe Optimal Yoga MatPutting It All TogetherAnd Much More!

Don’t Wait! Scroll up and click the Buy button to take the steps towards improving your health, happiness, and removing stress and anxietyy getting this book on sale for a limited time for only $0.99!

Free on 20th - 24th Feb 16
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