In 2008 with the publication of You Can EXPECT A MIRACLE … The Book To Change Your Life, the ‘ripple effect’ was set in motion. This very powerful thought, alongside the magnetic ‘Expect A Miracle’ Cards, has seen a worldwide movement spring to life. This simple, yet very powerful message has been spread in book stores by the sale of the first book, online with the eBook edition available on Kindle, Smashwords and from our online shop. I had personally handed out over fifty thousand Expect A Miracle cards to people I’d met all over the world in the previous 21 years. Four years on, that number of Expect A Miracle cards I have handed out has grown to over ninety six thousand. Since 2008, thousands of visitors to have printed hundreds and thousands of ‘Expect A Miracle’ cards. In Australia over the past year, on a number of occasions, I have had people give me an Expect A Miracle card. When I have shared with them that I’m ‘The Miracle Man’ and the cards started with me twenty six years ago, they are amazed. On each occasion the person involved has displayed a wonderful attitude of gratitude. In the four years since the book has been published in the US and Australia, it has gone to three printings and been made available in bookstores across the country, on Amazon and many other websites. I enjoyed the personal contact of book signings at Angus & Robertson in Australia, and at Borders and Barnes and Noble in the United States. Probably the best moment for me personally is when so many people I give a card to, no matter what their station in life is, turn the card over to find it blank on the back. After a pause, I say, “Would you like a miracle?” They almost always say, “Oh yes!” The change in state of most individuals on receiving the card, reading the words Expect A Miracle, turning the card over to find no name, no advertising, no gimmick, purely a message of hope, from this an unconditional gift, is heart-rending to witness. Most people move to an enlivened state of well being after reading these three powerful words. For some, who only show a glimmer of hope that it’s possible for their life to be even a bit better than it is right now, it can be a hugely uplifting event.
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