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Free on 14th - 18th Dec 15
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Have you heard of this whole Zendoodling thing but aren’t quite sure where to start? Are you an either practicing or lapsed artist looking to give your creative output a little boost? Do you have anxious thoughts or high blood pressure but aren’t interested or flexible enough for traditional meditation?If any of these describe you then Zendoodle: The Art of Meditation Through Drawing is the answer you have been looking for.

Zendoodling is a form of meditation through drawing which uses repeating patterns and shapes to create an abstract image. The process of Zendoodling occupies the part of the mind frequently focused on day to day problems, allowing for a higher consciousness to assert itself.

The Benefits of Zendoodling Include

Mental tranquilityEnhanced dexterity and hand and eye coordinationEnhanced FocusImprove attentiveness and single-minded determinationEnhance ability to creatively solve problemsAnd much much more

Inside you will learn the ways in which Zendoodling is related to forms of meditation which have been practiced for thousands of years and is still practiced in monasteries around the world to this day. This book discusses the history and theory behind Zendoodling and the benefits of meditation, provides a detailed description of the tools required to Zendoodle and a step by step process to get the most out of this mixture of creativity and meditation.

The act of creating a Zendoodle should be a celebration of the spontaneity of life and a celebration of all the possibilities it contains. Zendoodling promotes peace, forgiveness, happiness and living every single day to the fullest.

Free on 14th - 18th Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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