Charisma Myth Reveal: How to Be Charismatic, Boost Your Personal Magnetism and Attract Anything in Life (Tony Robbins, Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jim … Zig Ziglar, Oprah, Stephen Covey Book 3)

...A 24-page booklet about charisma, which could probably be condensed to 24 lines....

A 24-page booklet about charisma, which could probably be condensed to 24 lines.  The description and title are both filled with keywords designed to get the automated system to promote the book. This should be taken as a warning, but I read it anyway.

My first impression was that the english was not great; e.g. “it is a character that we can develop…” – either the word trait is missing or the word a should not be there. As I read on I found out I was being optimistic..

“Being confident to stand in front of a crowd and to communicate in a variety of people is something that a lot of people are struggling with.”

This sentence is typical of the English throughout the book. I don’t know if it is the author padding it out or spin-text, but either way it is appalling. It is not just the text either, to my dismay:

“Chapter Two – How a Charismatic experience feels like.”

If I wasn’t reviewing I would have stopped reading at the title.

I ended up skimming the rest. There is a lot of repetition. Certain paragraphs could be reduced to single sentences and read like padding. This will not teach you to be charismatic and there are better books to learn public speaking. Save your money and time.

It gets a rating solely because I have read worse books, and this is in no way an endorsement.

Rating: 0
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HattieMoon (18 March 2017)
This is shockingly bad, I agree. I liked the title of this thread so thought it may be worth a go, but after reading your review and the sample provided on this forum I am not going to do that to myself. Interestingly there is no 'look inside' option on Amazon, always a red flag for me. I am curious as to how it got to be a best seller. Amazon should really knock this kind of book on the head as it is blatant thievery to make people pay for it.

Power On (19 March 2017)
If this book was not made from spun text, then I would have to think that it was written by a child. Do not look for proper English, do not look for charisma from the words themselves and you will not be disappointed.

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