Her Sapphire Eyes

...Fans of psychological horror or thrillers might want to pick this up. For those looking for books with lesbian characters this is excellent, but I'm not sure romance would be the right word...

An accident in the park leads Jessica to a date with the mysterious and beautiful Caroline. Enthralled and obsessed, Jessica never thinks to ask how much she really knows about her lover and the truth when it comes out is nothing she had ever expected.

We picked this up to check the content because considering the cover the club we were worried we’d have to ban it for explicit content. There is some mature content, but it’s extremely soft-focus (think James Bond) and plot-relevant so well within the guidelines.

What we actually found was a taut psychological thriller with far more twists than its length would make you expect. Written in first person the ride inside Jessica’s head is gripping. The author weaves Caroline’s spell so well that the reader falls under it, making it so easy to see why Jessica is entranced. It’s a very short story so I won’t say much to avoid spoiling it, but it is original, explores love, lies, and betrayal in depth even in its short length, and I really enjoyed it.

Fans of psychological horror or thrillers might want to pick this up. For those looking for books with lesbian characters this is excellent, but I’m not sure romance would be the right word, as it throws some severe curves into the plot.

Rating: 4
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rz3300 (13 September 2016)
It is amazing how much people's eyes can move you and tell you things that you might not be able to find elsewhere. Maybe it is cliche or corny or cheesy, but I still like it and I would like to think that it makes for a good basis for story. That said, this one seems interesting, so I will have to look into it.

porridge (2 October 2016)
This was just creepy. Fatal Attraction creepy.

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