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Kung Fu Carp Fishing: Tips and techniques for fly fishing for carp (catching carp, catching carp with flies, how to catch carp, fly casting for carp, fly casting)

Last Free on: 19th Mar 15
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...An absolutely hilarious guide to fishing, perhaps useful for fishermen, definitely entertaining to everyone. I fully recommend this. Now I'm going to read it again. ...
Well, Kung Fu Carp Fishing certainly caught this reader. Delightfully tongue in cheek and laugh out loud funny in places, this is a not too serious guide to fly fishing for carp, based on the book of five rings. It had me in stitches. From the moment he mentions standing in a lake holding a metal rod and not noticing there was a thunderstorm going on I was hooked.
It includes instruction lists for equipment and perhaps enough technique advice to start people fishing. However it also includes instructions for Kung-fu techniques to use on people who laugh at you for fly-fishing for carp, so how serious this guidance is, I’m not sure and I don’t care. It also includes information for catch and release techniques and making sure the fish recovers.
An absolutely hilarious guide to fishing, perhaps useful for fishermen, definitely entertaining to everyone. I fully recommend this. Now I’m going to read it again.
Rating: 5Reviewed by
Reviewed on: 2015-03-12
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