Not just any old ghost story

...It is absolutely entrancing, and a beautiful story told in a literary and haunting style. On the strength of this, Steve Vernon is a superb storyteller. ...

If you buy this expecting ghosts, gore, and rubbish, you will be disappointed. This is a story about a ghost story, passed down over the years, retold over and over until it reaches the narrator’s parents turn and in each person’s retelling there is a shadow of their own life.

It is absolutely entrancing, and a beautiful story told in a literary and haunting style. The author’s command of english paints a picture with each word. The first two chapters are more a character study than part of the main story, but they draw a reader in anyway and the arc within it is intriguing in its own right.

I turned the final page, reached the author’s note and only then realised I had tears in my eyes. “Steve Vernon is a storyteller.” goes the first line of the author’s note, and I find that to be a grotesque understatement. On the strength of this, Steve Vernon is a superb storyteller. It is the best form of literary fiction, wistful, compelling, engrossing and somehow avoiding needless angst to be truly touching.

I’ve asked another reviewer to check my rating, but I’m giving it a five and top marks.

Rating: 5
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rz3300 (17 September 2016)
Anytime you give me a story described as "entrancing" I think that you have my attention. These are the stories that I enjoy, and the title alone really sparks my interest. I am curious now about the haunting and literary style, and I cannot wait to find out a little more. I have never heard of the writer, but your recommendation is good to have.

skye (2 October 2016)
It is a unique story about a story, and how stories mean different things depending on who tells it. There are so very few written like that. I adored it.

clair02 (2 October 2016)
I love the title too. It makes you just want to pick the book up right now. I love stories about people's personal points of view or their different perspectives on the same things. I know this is right up my alley and thanks for sharing.

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