Black Bart is Dead: A Captain Finn Treasure Mystery (Book 2)

...mystery readers should enjoy this. It is a classic isolated group mystery, no help, no outside assistance, and intelligence alone used to solve the puzzle....

On a private island, a murder mystery party well underway goes badly wrong when a second body is found and this guest is really dead. With the island isolated by a tropical storm, Captain Finn is deputised by the mainland authorities to investigate the killing. Between the island’s almost-too-helpful owner and the guests with their own secrets, this could be a difficult end to the party.

This is a short read, but it has enough twists and turns to keep you reading. The characters are briefly but clearly described, the setting well thought out, and the writing is good. There are no formatting errors and the spelling and grammar is good throughout. It could perhaps have done with slightly more set up, as during the end reveal it still felt slightly open (they may have determined what happened, but they had not excluded all other possibilities), but it is hard to work out how the author could have done that without giving the game away.

It is so short there is little I can say without spoiling it, so I’ll just say mystery readers should enjoy this. It is a classic isolated group mystery, no help, no outside assistance, and intelligence alone used to solve the puzzle.

Rating: 3
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