What All Atheist Must Know

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What All Atheist Must Know

Last Free Dates: 2nd Nov 17 to 6th Nov 17
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...A better argument for a spellchecker and universal education, than for Christianity....

The typo in the cover (a missing s) and the bottom line of text being cut in half on the title page did not bode well for this.

By the third paragraph I had encountered fragmentary sentences, bad grammar, and no identifiable typos. Then I turned the page and saw the (lack of) formatting on the Table of Contents.

I do wish people writing religious tracts would put more effort into how they present them. If your arguments can’t be understood, they won’t win people to your faith.

I quit at the end of the first chapter, where a portion of the author’s introduction is repeated wholesale, grammar errors and all. The Chapter header breaks across lines in the middle of a word. It is also painfully apparent that the author had no editor, proof-reader or even spell checker involved in this book.

The arguments are limited, and a primary school education answers most of them (e.g. how is the sun held in place without ropes, how does electricity get into a storm without cables?). I will not go further, as I risk commenting on the author, not the book, but Google or wikipedia will answer the author’s “unanswerable questions”.

Monks used to spend years transcribing books and pages to make sure the words were perfect. Can’t modern preachers at least use MS or Open Office spelling and grammar check?

Rating: DNF
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Anna (14 November 2017)
HA. "A better argument for a spellchecker and universal education, than for Christianity." That's the most telling book review blurb I've ever read; punchy and efficient. You would think if you go through the process of *writing* a book, which takes time and effort (usually), that you'd bother to at least use Microsoft Word.

Angel (19 November 2017)
You are assuming they are using something as complicated as Word, when they may as well be using Wordpad which just lets you put all the words in willy-nilly without worrying about all those squiggly lines that keep appearing.

Belle (1 December 2017)
I have to admit that the title of this book really got my attention, and if I hadn't read the review first, I may have wasted some valuable hours of my life reading this book. Thanks for such a frank review. I agree that if you're going to take all that time writing a book, you may as well spend a little more on ensuring that it's error-free.

jessica (1 December 2017)
I tried to read this. :eek: I wish I hadn't.

Ellie Jane (3 December 2017)
Oh, I thought we had been hit by another spammer and was coming to tell them to bugger off. It's too bad the title is written incorrectly. That will be a turn off for most readers.

Donna (6 December 2017)
Did the publisher not have an editor look at this before publishing? I see that it is also recommended for young adults and teens. Not a good example of a literary work for them.

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