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Free on 26th - 30th Jan 17
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This is the no-nonsense, no fluff, and straight to the point book for men written by a woman.

Pull away that mystery curtain and learn directly from the source how women think, feel, and why they do what they do. Get into a female’s mind and discover what you – as a man – can do to hit the jack pot with the woman of your dreams.

To be successful with a woman just knowing ‘how to’ is not enough, it is the ‘WHY’ part behind it that makes the whole difference.

Do you remember those times when you tried very hard to win her over, only to get rejected in the end? Do you remember doing ‘all the right things’ only to end up being puzzled, confused, and wondering what you did wrong… and still not having a woman in your hand? Do you remember the times when she was in love with you one day and dumped you the next? Do you know WHY all of the above happened?

Unless she is a honest woman and spills the truth, you will never know WHY she did what she did and the true reasons behind it.

With this being said, let me be THAT woman for you who spills the truth and explains what happened and why. Let me be that woman who

~ helps you to understand how a female’s mind works
~ explains what is important to females and what you should not be sweating about
~ opens your eyes to mistakes many men make but are totally unaware of . If you want to approach a woman correctly, succeed at dating, and keep her interest while in a relationship with her, you DO want to get familiar with those kinds of mistakes
~ helps you to understand why players have no effect on quality women, why men get ‘dumped out of the blue’, why women lose interest and why they are ‘not in the mood’. This book provides with a cure for all of these problems.

So, shall we get started?

Free on 26th - 30th Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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