
Free on 1st May 16
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You may have overheard the word “Meritocracy” before, seen it on a poster somewhere, or came across it as part of a meme on the internet and wondered what it actually meant?

In explaining Meritocracy in simple terms, I hope to de-mystify this concept and make a case for its values in the modern world. Only when a reader has enough information available to make a decision, can he/she decide to champion a cause, or not.

This introductory book sets out to do just that. In providing sufficient background of the subject within a modern context, you will hopefully have gained at least some extra knowledge about activism in general, plus enough overall insight to decide whether this relatively new concept is for you.

I hope to convince you in the following pages that Meritocracy is the political model of the future than everyone can embrace. Meritocracy can change the whole planet for the better and you can be part of that change!

Sean Gearard McCloskey

Free on 1st May 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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