
Free on 17th - 21st Oct 15
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Alone, lost in the Living Forest one dark and stormy night, Ike happens across a strange grey haired child bound inside a large flower the like had never seen. Miraculously, the girl flies them both to the safety of his home in Iron City. From that night this child would become his sister, from that night she would never speak one word. They would name her Pyokia, and no one would ever know where she came from.

Until the night of the festival a decade later, The night Iron City celebrates the return of the Living Airship and the man who pilots it, a magician named Blue. It is a time for celebration as the Living Airship restores energy, the source of magic to Iron city, but also a time to fear as Blue is a known vampire, and each visit takes at least one victim. This year the victim is Ike’s father. This year for the first time, Ike learns this magician has grey hair just like his adopted sister, Pyokia. Spurred to avenge his father and find the truth about his sister’s identity, Ike and Pyokia set out on a quest to find, interrogate and perhaps destroy this magician.

Free on 17th - 21st Oct 15
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