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Psychology & Habits Of Highly Effective People Box Set

Psychology: How To Analyze People Using Human Psychological Techniques, Body Language Signals, Social Skills And Personality Types

“If only I could know what he/she is thinking…?” This statement is one most of us have used at one time or the other. Let us not forget the common regret statement of, “how could I not see X for what he/she truly is? How could I be so blind?”
Many are the times when we wish we had the ability to read the mind of those we are in love with, those we do business with, and those we associate with on an everyday basis. This wish, although nothing but a wish, comes from the fact that knowing what someone is thinking would make communicating and relating infinitely easy.
If we could read minds, we would know what to do or say at the right time. We would never have to worry about how others perceive you, and we would not have to waste so much time on people who did not deserve it. If we could read minds, the world would be ‘sucker’ free. Such ability would save so much time and trouble!
While the ability to read minds may seem like something out of a Sci-Fi movie, did you know that if you applied psychology to analyze people, you could actually ‘read them like a book’? A person is a series of behaviors and verbal and non-verbal symbols that if you learn how to analyze, you can gain a supernatural ability: reading people and knowing what they are thinking.
From this amazing book, you are going to learn how to use psychological techniques, personality types, and body language signals to read people as you would an open book. Let’s begin.

Habits Of Highly Effective People: What Are The Habits Of Successful People?

Judging from your interest in the title of this book, it is right to assume that as an individual, you are someone interested in forming habits that help you achieve great success in whatever undertaking: financial success, weight loss success, relationship success, productivity, etc. This assumption draws upon the notion that to achieve immense success in your life, you have to be, undoubtedly, effective.
Unfortunately, if you are like most people, which rightly, you are, unless you have a strand of super alien DNA that allows you to ninja your way through habit formation, in which case, you should patent yourself and sell you DNA to the masses, you are amongst the many who struggle with the process of creating lasting habits. Like most, even though you start practicing things/habits that promise to bring you success, after practicing these things for a few days, your desire to practice them reduces and you resort to bad habits that deny you success.
Even more unfortunate is the fact that most books on the habit change subject rally on and on about how, to live an effective, and as such, a successful life, you should adopt so and so habit, but rarely do they guide you through the process of habit change or show you how to make these ‘success’ habits sticky.
If there is one thing we know about habits, it is this: adopting a habit is, at first, easy; however, turning something you do one day into something you do every day, the very definition of a habit, is not easy.
In this regard, this book is different because:
1.It starts by outlining why habits are at the core of success and why adopting the right habits will determine how effective and successful you are in life.
2.It takes you by the hand and guides you through the process of habit change; it teaches you how to get started on doing something one day and keep doing it until it turns into a habit.
3.This habits guide shows you, in a step-by-step manner, how to adopt specific habits that will lead you to success in everything you do.
If you are ready to change your life for good, get started with this guide TODAY! You will be thankful you did.

Free on 21st - 25th Dec 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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