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TASTY HEALTHY FOOD FROM AROUND THE WORLD is a series of short books containing recipes well researched, to boost general wellness and disease fighting abilities. Mankind is tormented by Obesity, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer and extreme Stress. Our purpose all along will be to bring to notice the benefits of regional popular fruits and vegetables, carbs and proteins, oils & fats from around the world. Instead of the so called quick fix diets, we believe in a sustainable simple eating habit, rich in vitamins and minerals. We seem to be putting unnecessary emphasis on cooking food thoroughly. Of course meat and fish should be well cooked. But the earth provides us with nutrition rich fruits and vegetables, some ready for raw consumption. When you cook for so long, most herbs and vegetables lose their nutrients. When we learn about the massive benefits in eating uncooked vegetable that are consumable raw, we will find how easy it is to train our taste buds for our own benefit.

Some of you may remember having a small garden or fruit trees in the backyard. It was a joy pulling out fresh carrots and picking peas or tomatoes. Eating them raw was an adventure. Now most urban kids live in high-rise flats and the mums have started going to work. With that in mind, we have, in this book tried to bring to your notice how easily you can introduce your family, particularly young kids to fill their stomach with nutritious smoothies and tasty dishes that will boost their immunity and be their savior all along.

In our next editions will be bringing more exciting international dishes that will give your body the care it needs and the flavor your taste buds always craved for.

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Free on 21st Dec 16
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