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This book will cover 10 OOPARTS. What is an OOPART ??

OOPART is an abbreviation for “out of place artifact” and they are officially classified as anomalies of science, sometimes worth a philosophical discussion, and sometimes not even worth a second of time. Most people don’t know these artifacts as “ooparts”, unless they are familiar with the colloquial usage of the term. As in, “But if that’s true how do you explain ooparts?”

Theories cannot be absolutely proven but they are generally accepted by modern civilization, since trusting in these systems has brought about practical results and useful technology. For example, the theory of gravity, the theory of relativity, and the theory of heliocentric solar system, which helped us travel and coordinate our shuttles into space.

OOPARTS are challenging our views of history, science and established theories. If our history happened just as they say it did, then how are we to explain artifacts that are genuine but that do not fit in with the chronology or “timeline” that we have built?

What would life be without some unanswered questions now and then? Read on, and enjoy!

Tags: Inventions, Civilization, Civilizations, Archeology, World, Ancient, Ancients, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient History, Mythology, Mystery, Mysteries, Historical Mysteries, Lost, Revolution

Free on 25th - 29th Jan 15
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