
Free on 2nd - 6th May 15
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The government has taken many of the scientific technologies that may have started out as a benefit and transcended them to specific military purpose, thereby undermining the original and creating an environment of distrust from the American people.

One could say that the level of suspicion wasn’t always at such an elevated rate. There was a time when a majority of Americans felt a sense of confidence and security with the government, whether it was deserved or not. The amount of information that has been released or leaked that relates to questionable government practices has tainted a majority of our citizens, specifically in reference to the more recent ‘Snowden’ whistleblower data.

The more research that one does on these topics, the more is learned that while the United States government is by far not the only one involved in clandestine projects, they do act as a leader within the group. The combination of facts versus disinformation has been a major ploy that the government has taken great pride for the control of the dissemination of data.

If we are to grow as a culture, we must mature beyond tactics that cause doubt in our own country as well as others. There is a fine line between the concept of ‘security’ and an abuse of power. To regain trust, those that are the ‘keepers’ of the information need to allow better transparency, otherwise the adage of ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ will be our path of the future.

Free on 2nd - 6th May 15
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