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Free on 10th - 12th Jul 24
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My name is Anna Dawson, and I’m a professional poker player. And I’m good. Very good.
But, I also have a little bit of a problem with placing bets on a sporting events. Not so good.

Sometimes my little problem becomes a whole lot of trouble and I need to resort to some, shall we say, less than stellar actions to get out of debt. So, I become my alter ego, JoJo, and fix college basketball games. Hey, a victimless crime, no one’s the wiser, and it’s better than the alternative, which is a drive into the desert with my loan shark and a shovel in the trunk. Although, it has to be said, my loan shark is pretty good looking.

I love Vegas, and I love the life I’ve built, but when one of my friends is murdered, and another one shot at, I know I need to take a serious look at myself. And I need to call in the big guns. Even if that means teaming up with detective Jack Schiller, a man who’s dealing with his own problems. But dang, he sure is sexy.

I’m just trying to juggle protecting my friends, helping Jack while not letting him get too close, and finding a murderer. And, oh yeah, no one can learn about JoJo.

Because if they do, there’s no way I’ll be able to bluff my way out of this one.

Free on 10th - 12th Jul 24
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