
Free on 17th - 21st Mar 24
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Learn how to see and read auras and how to use this knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of human emotions and spirituality.

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Our world is driven by materialism, competition, and comparison, causing us to look outwardly for validation and a sense of self. However, within each of us lies a unique energy field known as our aura. This new book by Clarissa Lightheart explains the chakras, energy points in our body, and how they align with the vibrations in our auras. When you can perceive and even see auras, you develop a better understanding of your own emotions, your relationships, and your physical and spiritual health.

Our aura is a subtle but powerful energy field that surrounds our body, constantly changing based on our behavior, health, and life experiences. Some people are naturally more attuned to this energy than others. Still, by educating ourselves and learning to see people’s light, we can benefit from a better understanding of ourselves and those around us.

Whether you are interested in developing your psychic abilities or want to learn more about this fascinating aspect of human energy, this book is an invaluable resource that will guide you through every step.

In this guide on auras, you will learn:What are auras, and why do they matterThe history of aura studyThe power of understanding your auraWhat science tells us about aurasEnergy centers and the auraDecoding the colors of your auraHow life experiences shape your auraand more!
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Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Free on 17th - 21st Mar 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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