
Free on 4th - 7th Jan 18
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Overcome binge eating for life

Is your eating totally out of your control?
Is food constantly on your mind?
Do you secretly eat when no one else can see you?
Do you continue to eat until it makes you feel physically sick?
Is your eating a form of escape, to ease your worries, relieve stress, or make you feel better in some way?
Do you feel embarrassment, shame, disgust and guilt after eating?
Do you feel that you have no power to stop or control your eating, even though you really want to?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you.
Many binge eaters feel totally compelled to eat and seem to have no ability to stop once they have started. This behavior although comforting at the time soon turns to feelings of shame and guilt for over indulging and concern that they cannot control their actions. So, if you regularly find yourself mindlessly tucking in the entire contents of your fridge or kitchen cupboards, then this book will help you identify the real causes of this destructive behaviour and give you tested solutions to heal.

What can you expect from this book?

No more binge eating
No more obsession with food
No more weight gain/ extra weight. Your eating should normalize and you should regain control over what you choose to eat.
No more diets, calorie counts or food weighing. You will be able to maintain a healthy weight while allowing yourself to eat anything you want whenever you want.
No more spending 2 hours at the gym to try to work off all the food you ate. Instead, you will feel excitement and joy every time you exercise. You will feel pride and gratitude over this amazing gift you?ve been given: Your body!

Download your copy today!
Tags: Binge eating, Natural Eating, Diets, Weight Loss.

Free on 4th - 7th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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