‘IT’ knows what’s scares you…
Janice Ross finds herself behind bars for the crimes that she claims she didn’t commit. Coincidences were a part of books until they entwined with demonic power and uprooted the lives of young teenagers who face the wrath of wrong choices. Her life took a turn for worse when, even in prison, the evil plagued her dreams. The bizarre circumstances of Janice Ross’s encounters intrigued Byron, a true-crime writer.
Not believing the strength of the ancient curse, he proceeds to investigate the story and caught up in a series of horrific evidences that turns his life on its axis.
Together, Janice and Byron have conjured hauntings that rival reality and uncovers the truth. Will Janice escape her fate or will Byron become another victim of the broken night.
Pathfinder: An Adventure Exploration Duology (Path of Mist Book 2)
Harmonia (The Azure Series Book 1)
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