
Bargain on 28th - 31st Jul 24
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This book will be Bargain on 28th - 31st Jul 24

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“ChatGPT for Nonfiction Authors: Harnessing the Power of ChatGPT to Revolutionize Your Nonfiction Writing Process” is an essential guide for all nonfiction writers seeking to capitalize on the cutting-edge advancements of AI in their craft. This book demystifies AI’s role in the writing process, demonstrating how OpenAI’s ChatGPT can be utilized to streamline every stage of nonfiction writing.

From brainstorming innovative ideas, creating detailed outlines, drafting compelling content, to conducting comprehensive research, and refining through thorough editing and revising, this book guides authors on how to effectively collaborate with AI. The manual provides practical, hands-on techniques that enable authors to create richer, more engaging nonfiction content, and it does so with an eye on efficiency and productivity.

The book also grapples with the ethical implications of using AI in writing, outlining the responsibilities of the modern AI-empowered writer to maintain accuracy, acknowledge AI assistance, avoid plagiarism, respect privacy, and promote fair and responsible AI use.

“ChatGPT for Nonfiction Authors” goes beyond being a simple how-to guide. It encourages writers to explore the possibilities, experiment with the techniques, and ultimately shape this groundbreaking technology to better serve their unique creative process. If you’re a nonfiction writer eager to step into the future of writing, this book is your gateway.

Bargain on 28th - 31st Jul 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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