There are six secret clans across the world–Africa (the Sakombi clan), Europe (the Spencer clan), Asia (the Qiáo clan), South America (the Amaru clan), North America (the Natosapi clan) and Australia (the Gale clan). Each clan possesses unique supernatural powers. On her 16th birthday Chassie Moreau discovers that she is a descendant of the Sakombi clan and she inherits the most powerful abilities known to the clans. She’s also in extreme danger.
John Spencer is ready to teach her how to fight and to control her new abilities but there isn’t much time. She has to deal with her harsh new reality fast if she wants to stay alive…because her mother’s killer is looking for her.
The Changelings (War of the Fae Book 1)
Mantle: The Return of the Sha
Dragon Hoard and Other Tales of Faerie
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