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A new series sure to please the pickiest fantasy readers.., August 12, 2011 By Readers Favorite “Book Reviews and Award Contest” (Hawesville, KY USA) – Reviewed by Anne B. for Readers Favorite

Michelle Erickson has created a new series sure to please the pickiest fantasy readers. In Chest of Souls Book 1, we meet nine year old Talon and the adventure begins . Talon and a young man named Nyk end up running for their lives. Talon meets Brenna, a beautiful six-year-old with power beyond the imagination. Talon and Brenna are the only hope to destroy Sogo. Together they would make a formidable team…if they could live long enough to develop their powers.

Michelle Erickson does exactly what all authors should do…begin the book with a dynamic, attention grabbing scene. However, she doesn’t stop there; she continues with one heart pounding scene after another. There are plenty monsters to fear and battle in Chest of Souls. Brenna was one of my favorite characters. Although only six years old, she already has self confidence and knows she belongs with Talon. This is the first book in a new series; I can hardly wait to see what our two heroes face in the next book.

From the back of the book:

Brenna doesn’t know that her mother is Hi-Sha of Eyes, or that her father was an assassin and he

Free on 24th - 26th May 24
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