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Tired of tantrums, meltdowns and drama? Tried EVERYTHING but NOTHING is working?

This conversational, easy to read book will help you raise your child so they will grow up:
* Openly communicating with you (without an attitude)
* Respecting you and turning to you for advice (even as a teenager)
* Being honest with you and glad you’re their parent
* Trying to do their best under all circumstances
* A responsible, working adult who knows how to live within their means

It’s about Choosing Conscious Parenthood.

If you are first time parents who want to be proactive in raising your child, this book is for you.

This guide will give you tools to create a personal parental plan that addresses circumstances before they happen.

We promise this guide will help you:
* Create a healthy conflict-free relationship with your child
* Know what to expect and have a plan before it happens
* Be your child’s biggest supporter without making them entitled
* Teach your values to your child in a way they’ll understand
* Instill feelings of confidence, love, authenticity and success in your child
* Prepare your child for life’s ups and downs
* Be the best parent you can be

Your family will get through life’s highs and lows as a team. You will be thankful that each member of your family is supportive, honest and respectful with each other.

Now it’s up to you. The time when you are the main influencer in your child’s life is fading. Soon the world and your child’s peers will try to take over. And they will.

Invest in your child now so they will stand firm in your family values. Make sure that they are prepared for whatever life throws their way.

START Choosing Conscious Parenthood TODAY!

Scroll to the top and click the “BUY NOW” button.

Free on 28th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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