
Free on 17th - 21st May 15
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Clean Food Recipes and Diet, Best Clean Food Recipes Revealed To Lose Weight And Reclaim Your Health !


The concept of Clean Cooking and Eating is not a new one. Humans have been eating and cooking clean (i.e. natural and fresh produce) since the dawn of humanity. What is new to us is the heavily processed and preservative laden food that is doing little more than clogging our arteries.

Alarmingly, most of this food is labeled in such a way (e.g. “high fiber”, “vitamin enriched”, “calcium fortified”, “Omega 3 enriched”), which makes us think it is good for us, or somehow better than its natural alternative. That in almost all, save a few, food items (e.g. pasteurized dairy) is not the case. The natural sources are not only full of nutrients, but the nutrients in them are in such a perfect balance with our own body’s needs that we do not need to ‘enrich’ or process them.

In this cookbook, I have compiled a few Clean Cooking recipes that will benefit anyone looking to revert to the natural way of eating. No counting calories, points, carbs, limiting fat, sodium or sugar, or weighing yourself every day, just eating what is natural, is the simplest way to control and answer all your health and weight management concerns.

Clean Cooking is not only rewarding for your waistline, but also for your taste buds. The natural flavors of produce that are usually lost during processing is what will keep you satisfied and hooked onto the real taste. How can a processed frozen beef patty compare to prime rib? It can’t. Pick up a copy today and find out how easy it is to transform your life by Cooking and Eating Clean.

Get your copy today!

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Free on 17th - 21st May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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