Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 7th - 11th Jun 15
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Ultimate Barbecue and Grilling for Beginners: The Super Best Outdoor Barbecue and Grilling Handbook for Everyone + The Best Prepared Mason Jar Meals: The Easiest Beginner’s Guide to Preparing Simple, Healthy, And Grab N’ Go Meals in Mason Jars

Barbecue & Grilling

It’s good to go outside and have some party…what’s even better is if you have a barbecue party with your family and friends and fun just doesn’t stop until the night is over. There’s no need for a chef to teach you and you don’t need to attend a cooking class to be able to make your barbecue party fun and enjoyable. The secret lies in your ability to turn a simple party into a marvellous one and this eBook will definitely show you some tips, skills, and techniques you can learn easily.

This eBook provides definitions of the terms commonly used in grilling and barbecue as well as safety tips that every beginner has to know. There will also be sample recipes you can choose from and try for yourself. So whether it is a simple barbecue party with friends or family or a romantic date with your special someone on a camping trip, this eBook will definitely not let you down.

Barbecue Topics Covered…

Definitions and Significant TermsTools and EquipmentSkills and Techniques to MasterGrilling and Barbecue Tips from the ExpertsBest Grilling and Barbecue RecipesSafety TipsMuch, much more!

Mason Jars

Always wanted to know what Mason Jars are?

Why is this process becoming so popular in everyday households?

Want the advantages to knowing how to preserve and save food long-term? While enjoying the what your preserving without losing those flavours and most importantly nutrients we need and planned for when we originally made our meal!

Need guidance, step by step to exactly begin making your own mason jar recipes? Meals?

This is the book for you! Recipes, meals for every part of the day!

This is what you get….

Mason Jars OverviewBreakfast MealsLunch MealsDinner MealsDessertsChildren’s Meals

Free on 7th - 11th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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