When Pon-shea Sedona is accused of murder, she finds herself at the mercy of a washed up detective who has better things to do than coddle the spoiled leader of seventy trillion people. The responsibility of her growing popularity contrasts sharply with the immeasurable power she wields. With her approval rating at an unprecedented high, she can go anywhere in the Subdivision and find people who are willing to fight and die for her.
Every facet of her life is open for public scrutiny and it’s not long before she feels the death sentence tighten around her neck while her feelings for Jet begin to take a turn down a path neither of them could have ever imagined. Deadwalker Subdivision continues the saga of Ketty Mc’kee and her schizophrenic bot, Boondock, as they must try to help Pon-shea find the killer and save the Galaxy from its own demise.
About The Author
Chris Bieniek is a self published Indie author who creates characters that are raw, gritty, and hanging onto their mortality by the skin of their teeth. They may never find a way to redeem themselves, but at their core, they have greatness inside. Mr. Bieniek has a passion to help real people realize their passion and to fulfill their destiny here on Earth and as dreamers for the future, because in our hearts, we know we are a star-faring race. This is a YA, Young Adult futuristic science fiction novel suited for 13 years and up which spans generations and the entire Galaxy.
After: The Shock (AFTER post-apocalyptic series, Book 1)
All These Shiny Worlds II: The 2017 ImmerseOrDie Anthology
Midnight Wings: A Science Fiction Retelling of Cinderella. (Rove City Book 1)
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