
Free on 24th - 26th Nov 15
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7-Day Detox Diet – Want to cleanse your body and lose weight FAST?

Do you feel bloated?

Do you have extra pounds that you like to get rid of?

Do you feel constantly tired and exhausted?

Have you been sick a lot lately?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, 7-DAY DETOX DIET IS FOR YOU!

This book will help you get an effective kick-start to weight loss! 7-Day Detox Diet helps you cleanse your body so you will almost immediately start to feel better! You get more energetic and refreshed feeling! Toxins and excess fluids are removed from your body, so you will feel lighter and slimmer. Your immune system will improve and you will become healthier.

This Detox Diet Plan will help you cleanse your body efficiently so you achieve clean and refreshed feeling only in 7 days!

7-Day Detox Diet helps you….

• Cleanse your body from toxins and extra fluids

Burn fat and lose weight without exercising

• Achieve a more energetic feeling

Improve your concentration and performance

• Get a glowing skin, healthy hair and strong nails

Shake off a good amount of pounds just in 7 days! You can drop up to 8 pounds!

• Improve your immune system

What will you get out of this 7-DAY DETOX DIET BOOK?

The book contains….

Clear and simple meal instructions for 7 days!

• Drink recipes to boost your metabolism!

You get all together 32 healthy recipes! (There is also delicious indulgence recipes like healthy pancakes and muffins!)

• Lots of hints to support your detox diet!

Information about healthy and unhealthy food options!

Is this Detox Diet Plan for me? YES!

Gluten-free, Dairy-Free! None of these 32 recipes don’t include gluten or dairy products. They are really stomach-friendly meals!

• 7-Day Detox diet fits for both, men and women at any age! It doesn’t matter are you in your twenties or sixties. If your goal is to feel healthier and lighter, this detox diet is for you!

• 7-Day detox diet is all about healthy food! You don’t have to exercise to lose pounds. Healthy food does it for you. If you follow the instructions for one week, you will feel quite different, in a positive way! So forget sweating, just focus only on eating!

7-Day Detox Diet is a comprehensive package that helps you cleanse your body so you get a good kick-start to weight loss and healthy eating habits!

Free on 24th - 26th Nov 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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