
Free on 24th - 26th Oct 16
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“Over a fourteen-year period from 1999 to 2013, one hedge fund carried out out an investment strategy utilizing hundreds of millions of trades, virtually all of which lasted less than 12 months, and characterized the vast majority of the resulting $34 billion in trading profits as long-term capital gains … resulting in estimated tax avoidance of more than $6 billion.”– Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, United States Senate, 2014

This publicly recorded statement exposes the shocking truth about how Wall Street, and the billionaire class, have continued to manipulate and exploit the financial system, taking advantage of loop holes to pull the wool over the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Routing some of this `dirty money’ into the election campaign coffers of various presidential candidates provides them with access to the levers of power in Washington D.C.. The 2016 U.S. presidential election has seen a lot of attention focused on this ‘corrupt’ political campaign finance system. It’s time the real truth emerged.

Using this watershed 2016 election as the context, this book makes a candid analysis of the campaign contributions to various presidential candidates across three presidential election cycles (2008, 2012 and 2016) to trace the total flow of ‘dirty money’ from its source to those presidential campaigns.

While America has typically been allowed to see just the tip of iceberg so far, ‘Dirty Money,’ reveals the dirty money trail it in its entirety, making available previously hidden information on the top donors in each presidential election cycle, and the beneficiaries of their vast contributions.

If you believe in democracy, at all, this is a must read.

Free on 24th - 26th Oct 16
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