Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 29th - 1st Jul 24
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It isn’t every day your world is turned upside down. Or inside out. For Drome it’s only the beginning when an oddly shaped gazebo moves his entire village to a hollow world.

While the villagers of Amblesby fail to put their prejudices aside to deal with the crisis, Drome is whisked away by aliens with a burning interest in laying their hands on the device that brought Amblesby to their world: the world of Hollow built by the mysterious – and now vanished – Progenitors.

The inhabitants of Hollow, a motley bunch of aliens from all over the universe, had believed that coming to Hollow is a one-way ticket but the gazebo promises a way out, a way to return to their home planets. Whoever controls the gazebo will be the most powerful, the richest, the… well, you get the picture.

With his life in serious risk of being shortened, Drome lurches from one predicament to the next, clashing with everyone he meets. Everyone apart from a living skeleton who helps him escape his captors. But with the most scheming and dangerous person in the empire at their heels, will Drome and his fractious companion ever reach Amblesby to warn about what’s coming?

Free on 29th - 1st Jul 24
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