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Unraveling the Book
“Heaven Is Under the Feet of Governments” employs a striking metaphor to describe the profound responsibility and potential of governments to shape society’s welfare. This phrase poetically encapsulates the idea that just as the ground supports us physically, good governance is the foundation that upholds a society’s moral and ethical structure. The book explores the integration of Maqasid, a framework derived from Islamic jurisprudence, into modern governance, arguing that this approach can lead to more ethical, just, and humane societal management.
The Essence (80/20)Maqasid Framework: The core of the book revolves around the Maqasid framework, which prioritizes the protection and fulfillment of essential human interests such as life, religion, intellect, progeny, and property. Raji suggests that governments can achieve better governance by aligning policies with these universal principles, which are inherently designed to promote a balanced and flourishing society.Ethical Governance: Raji argues that the absence of ethical grounding in governance leads to societal inequities and injustices. By embedding the Maqasid principles into policy-making, leaders can foster a governance model that not only meets economic and political goals but also enhances the spiritual and moral welfare of the community.Global and Historical Perspectives: The book draws on various global examples and historical contexts to illustrate how integrating spiritual values into secular governance has been beneficial. Examples include Malaysia’s Islamic finance system and environmental conservation policies influenced by indigenous beliefs in New Zealand, showcasing the practical application and benefits of this approach.The Action PlanAdopting Maqasid in Policy Making: Governments should begin by training policymakers in the Maqasid framework to ensure that they understand how to integrate these principles into everyday governance. This includes workshops and collaborative projects with scholars familiar with Maqasid.Policy Evaluation and Reform: Existing policies should be evaluated against the Maqasid principles to identify areas of improvement. This could lead to reforms that focus more on human dignity, equity, and the common good, rather than solely on economic outcomes.Public Engagement and Education: Engage the public through educational programs that explain the benefits of Maqasid in governance. This can increase public support for reforms and encourage a more active civic participation in the governance process.Blind Spot
One potential misconception is that Maqasid principles may only be applicable to Islamic countries. However, Raji argues that these principles are universal in nature and can be adapted by any country regardless of the dominant religious or secular framework, aiming to enhance the ethical foundation of governance across diverse cultural contexts.
Connected Knowledge
For further reading and a deeper understanding of the concepts discussed in “Heaven Is Under the Feet of Governments,” readers might explore “The Maqasid: A Guide to Shari’ah Governance” by Jasser Auda and “Islamic Finance: Law, Economics, and Practice” by Mahmoud El-Gamal. These works provide additional insights into the practical applications of Maqasid in different sectors and how they can be harmonized with contemporary governance models.

Explore the transformative power of ethical governance in “Heaven Is Under the Feet of Governments.

Free on 12th - 16th May 24
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