
Free on 6th - 7th Sep 15
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Want lower cholesterol, increased energy levels and improved heart, brain and digestive function?

Then keep reading because you’re about to learn about a little known and highly controversial super-food long considered “TABOO” by most people!

Plus you’ll learn why Men’s Health says it is one of the 6 power foods you MUST be eating…and Dr Oz considers the seeds of this plant his “Favourite Snack-Food.”

So what is this incredible mystery plant?


Long stigmatized because of its “High” inducing cousins, hemp is now making a comeback, not just as a source of fibre for textiles, but also as a health food.

You see, hemp seeds and oil are packed with health-promoting compounds…and what most people don’t realize is – although it is cultivated from the marijuana plant – hemp will not get you high…

…instead it will actually improve your health.

(Plus its non-addictive and 100% safe for your body.)

For example, did you know that 3 table spoons of hemp seeds are packed with 30 grams of protein and are filled with essential fatty acids including Omega 3 and 6 in the perfect balance?

And here’s even more good news…

Did you know?

• Hemp oil can help with hormonal balance, it is the only edible seed that contains gamma-linolenic acid, this is the precursor for the production of the protective and calming prostaglandin PGE1 which helps regulate hormonal balance and support menopausal health.

• Hemp oil helps regenerate the skin’s protective layer – thanks to its content of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, hemp oil has the composition similar to skin lipids which make it an excellent natural emollient and moisturizer.

• Hemp oil energizes the skin – moisturizing, regenerating and revitalizing, hemp oil is especially useful for dry, tired or dehydrated skin. Skin regeneration and hydration of dry mature skin are enhanced through the use of hemp oil. It increases the skins elasticity and water retention capacity of tissues.

• Hemp oil has the ideal combination of fatty acids. It is the only vegetable oil that contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in the ideal ratio of 3 to 1, optimal for your body’s needs.

• Plus it can improve a vegetarian diet by providing the right balance of Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6. Getting these can be challenging for vegetarians and vegans because these fatty acids are not made by our bodies and must be obtained through food or supplements. Hemp oil has the optimal ratio of Omega 6 for our body to absorb and use.

And this is only the oil!

The seeds are just as nutritious.

If you’re wondering what they taste like, they are similar to sunflower seeds and pine nuts and have amazing health benefits such as…

They are an excellent source of essential fatty acids and contain all nine essential amino acids, which makes them a complete protein, like eggs whites and soy.

They are also high in magnesium, just one ounce of hemp provides 45% of your daily magnesium requirement.

Plus there’s more, hemp also provides these health benefits:

• There are no known allergies to food containing hemp and it can be eaten by those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose or sugar.

• Because it is high in vitamin E and other anti-oxidants, it can potentially reverse the effects of aging.

• Hemp reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and may even ward off Alzheimer’s.

• The protein and fibre in hemp combine to slow digestion, which prevents spikes in blood sugar and therefore sustains your body’s energy.

• Hemp can help you to effectively manage pain without risking addiction, dependency or other life-crippling side effects of chemical drugs.

• Hemp can balance the body’s pH levels and can create an environment that discourages cancer growth.

Makes sense to start incorporating hemp into your diet doesn’t it?

And here’s how:

I have written a book of healthy and delicious hemp oil and seed recipes.

Free on 6th - 7th Sep 15
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