
Free on 26th - 30th Apr 18
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Do you have a fear of public speaking?
Has it been holding you back in your business or in your personal life?
Do you need to change NOW?

A fear of public speaking can be more than just a simple annoyance. It is something that could quite easily hold you back from achieving great things in your life and prevent you from becoming the success you know you could be.

Now, with this great new book, How to be Successful in Marketing your Talk Anywhere, you can learn the secrets to overcoming this debilitating fear. It has chapters that examine:

Speaking in public
TED talk secrets to make you a superior leader
How to market your ideas through public speaking
Common errors entrepreneurs make
Finding a career in public speaking
Overcoming your fears
And much more…

A successful business may depend on your ability as a proficient public speaker. This book will help you to become just that, with easily actionable advice and insights.
With it you can do almost anything you set your mind to and promote your business to the next level or build your confidence in everyday life.
Get a copy today. Improve your public speaking ability now!

Scroll up and click “Buy now with 1-Click” to download your copy now!

Tags: public speech book, business speech, public speaking, marketing books, personal success, marketing, marketing strategy, marketing for dummies, network marketing books, marketing communications, promote your business, speaking, speaking well, speaking up surviving executive presentations, speaking up at work, in a manner of speaking, success principles, success affirmations, speaking books, the art of public speaking, speaking business, business speech, public speech book, speech communication

Free on 26th - 30th Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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