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Free on 15th - 18th May 14
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Coping With Social Anxiety and Depression – How to Love Yourself

Self love comes from within no one can tell you exactly how to love yourself, but this book can give you the tools you need to do so. Stop Making Excuses and Start Being Happy! This book has many tips to help you know how to love your-self, as well as teach you how to overcome depression and social anxiety.

Joy Childs and Suzie Summers, the authors, write together in such a way that you won’t be wasting your time sifting through a bunch of useless content. You are going to get straight forward tips to help you overcome social anxiety and depression and learn how to love yourself.

Here are some things from the book:

Lets start with what is happening by you not loving yourself. By not loving yourself unconditionally you may be causing psychological problems such as these:

  • You may find it hard to love others, even if you want to
  • You are insecure and you have low self-esteem
  • You exhibit symptoms of anxiety disorder, especially social anxiety disorder
  • You may suffer from insomnia (not sleeping well), or hypersomnia (sleeping too much)
  • You might feel needy of other people’s attention and often need their validation for your actions
  • You may find it hard to trust other people
  • You may find it hard to forgive yourself and others when something is wrong

Loving yourself the right way is important to your health and overall well-being. Studies have proven that loving yourself has these benefits:

  • Improves your self-esteem
  • Relieves a lot of stress
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Prevents depression
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Helps you overcome tough challenges in your life
  • It helps you to relax even when things are going in a way that you did not plan or feel like you can’t control

You are always feeling good and satisfied with yourself when you love yourself, no matter what happens, no matter what other people say or do. Sure, you will react to your surroundings, but always in a positive way. You’re not likely to easily break down, or make a hasty decision. Others see this and will love being in your company. It improves your relationship with others. If you are in a bad place right now, and you start loving yourself the right away, you will feel love healing you immediately. Love heals, and the first step is yours to take if you really want it.

You are your worst critic. Your conception of who you think you should be is not who you are. Let it go and accept the you that you have. Come on accept you already stop being such a bully to yourself. Stop telling yourself you are not good enough. You are that is why you are here! Don’t waste this life hurting , experience the love, let it in. Love is what makes this world a great place to live in. Accept the love that is all around you that wants to be with you and flourish within you. Love is a powerful tool and if you love you, you will be unstoppable! You will thrive and do things that will not only help you but others too. Love is so powerful and if you feel love so strongly within you it will radiate to other people. They will see the love with in your soul and gravitate to it. Love is the strongest force within this universe it is what connects us all.

After reading this book you will have more confidence and self esteem. You will be ready to move forward in your journey of loving yourself. You will have the tools to overcome your depression and anxiety, and in turn you will be more social with other people.

Get it now while it is at this introductory price!

Tags: how to love yourself, overcome social anxiety, overcome depression, coping with social anxiety, coping with depression, how to be happy, have more self confidence, have more

Free on 15th - 18th May 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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