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Free on 19th - 23rd Mar 17
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Imagine a world where anyone could make a living doing exactly what they wanted professionally.
Imagine a world with more musicians, painters, sculptors, poets, and in general, more passion.
If you walk into a kindergarten class and say, “raise your hand if you are an artist”, it’s more than likely that almost every, if not all of the Crayola stained hands will go up in the air.
If you walked into a board meeting at some big and powerful corporation and ask the same question, you will be lucky if you’re not escorted off the property by security. Where do we lose this creative spunk?
At what point do we throw in the paint drenched towel and conform to societies standards?
How do we create a world where the childish ideology of being what you want to be as an adult was a real thing?

I wrote this book to help break down the cliche boundaries of being an artist. You will learn that the term “Starving Artist” is irrelevant today. In this book I will not only introduce you to several different methods of selling your art online, but I will walk you step-by-step through my personal journey, and show you everything I did along the way to become a self-employed artist.

HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE AS AN ARTIST is exactly what it says. It’s not just a list of websites where you can sell your art. If you are looking to take your passion for art to the next level, then this book will serve as a guide for you to learn some of the different ways to actually make money using the online market. I will teach you methods that I personally use and make my living with.

Art is love, and the world can always use a little more love!

Free on 19th - 23rd Mar 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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