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Free on 24th - 28th May 15
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Learn Secrets Most Moms-To-Be Will Never Know About

Creating a Healthier, Safer Pregnancy, Labor & Delivery

Dear Mom-To-Be:

You’ve probably heard friends talk about wonderful labor and delivery experiences, and then you’ve likely heard the nightmare, horror stories too.

Do you know what the single most important factor is in determining what kind of experience YOU are going to have?

Still thinking?

After working with hundreds of moms-to-be over the years, I’m 100% convinced that it is DOULA that makes the biggest difference in getting the birth outcome that you desire.

When you work with a doula, you get options… THAT is when you maintain control of your birth experience.

On the other hand, if you leave it up to chance, things can quickly spiral outside of your control, and the birth of your child can wind up being something very different from what you envisioned.

What’s a doula?

A birth doula is a trained labor coach who assists you during labor and delivery. She provides you with continuous emotional support, as well as assistance with other non-medical aspects of your care.

What are the advantages of having a birth doula?

A doula helps you before labor and delivery by answering your questions about what to expect, easing your fears, helping you develop a birth plan, and generally getting you ready for the arrival of your baby.

Learn about your options for labor, birth, and after, and make your wishes clear.

During labor and delivery, a doula provides constant, knowledgeable support. She can make suggestions about positions during labor, help you with breathing through contractions, and provide massage. She can also answer questions you and your partner have about what’s happening.

Doulas Can Help Lower Birth Risks

Having a doula by your side during labor and delivery can decrease your laboring time considerably. “If that’s not incentive to look into getting a doula, I don’t know what is!” says Latham Thomas, a maternity lifestyle expert and labor support doula in New York City and founder of Mama Glow (mamaglow.com). There are many other benefits of having a doula present: a lower rate of C-sections, less use of epidurals and other interventions, and more satisfaction with birth experiences. “It’s a bit of a mystery why [having a doula has] medical benefits, but there are a lot of potential reasons,” says Sunday Tortelli, president of DONA International and a birth doula in Cleveland. “A woman might feel more empowered to make decisions on her own behalf. Also, since she is being supported, she might experience less pain and ask for fewer interventions.” Another reason: The less stress a woman experiences, the faster labor might occur. “Stress hormones may inhibit the production of oxytocin, which is what causes contractions,” Tortelli explains.

What are you waiting for? Click the buy button and grab this book today!

Free on 24th - 28th May 15
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