Author: Genre: (, , ) Length: Novel

Free on 20th - 23rd Feb 14
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In the beginning all was released form the minds of GOOD, the beings that existed before time and the universe.Their dreams turned into life and together they began to flourish, but as they created the universe of worlds something else came about. SHE betrayed them.From within the ranks of GOOD, Evil lurked. She tried to steal the energy of the worlds, she wanted to rule all as supreme, but they knew. With all they had they fought her off but even together, her energy grew, the darkness thicken.With the last of their strength they countered her betrayal by releasing those who belonged in her place and the new GOOD formed. Exhausted she stopped her battle and willingly turned into the darkness. Horrified and weak from her betrayal GOOD escaped into the universe, their safe haven from evil.Time moved forward and they become happy, once again flourishing in their home,but all fun and games must be met with hard work and the era of incarnation was upon them. the beings began to experience the challenges of the world and this only contributed to the great happiness, GOOD themselves even incarnated to be along side them always. One world in particular however was exceedingly odd, it evolved in a different way. It had a strong connection to the darkness, and through that darkness SHE planned her revenge. coupled with her great energy and a door accidentally left open Azria let all hell break loose.The world entered into her rule and all was lost. not Even GOOD could stop her for they had to surrender, the threat of her energy was too great to risk…but just as before,they knew

(“we appreciated the intricately thought-out, detailed universe you’ve created for your story.” ~Arthur A. Levine Books (publishers of The Harry Potter series.))

A fast paced action/adventure creation story that follows the odyssey of the incarnate creators, as they battle the dark forces of Evil.

Free on 20th - 23rd Feb 14
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