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Free on 14th - 15th Jan 18
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The essence of the diet in the formation of ketone bodies are a source of energy for the brain and nervous system. Your diet should include all three main nutrients – proteins, fats, and carbohydrates as they are very important for the normal functioning of the body. For example, proteins are the building blocks of our body, fats are needed for the safety of our body, and carbohydrates are the main source of energy for organs and systems. Reserves of energy are fats and proteins.

The essence of eating is to use fat as the main source of energy. Due to this limitation of muscle mass is not lost, and the extra pounds go very quickly.

In this application you can find:

Detailed instructions for keto diet. Even for beginners it is a guide of different ketogenic recipes and keto meals
Easy steps for burning fat
Cooking healthy food
Keto diet gives benefits for men and women in weight loss
not to spend much time in front of the cooker. All they do it lead the cookbook and try delicious meals full of useful substan
Helpful information about increased water consumption. You must drink 2 litters of clean water every day. This will contribute to the excretion of the decay products of various kinds.

To the beneficial properties of the ketogenic diet include the fact that is sufficiently rapid loss of subcutaneous fat, maintaining muscle mass, improve digestion, increase metabolism, cleanse the body of toxic substances, toxins, and also reducing cholesterol, blood sugar with the exception of the emergence of feelings of hunger. Enough balanced diet nutrition does not disrupt the normal functioning of the body.

Free on 14th - 15th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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