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Ultimate Health and Diet

Leptin Resistance Insulin Resistance Diabetes and Long Life

The Connection Between Leptin and Insulin

According to a renowned endocrinologist, all the hormones in the body affect each other in one way or

the other. The two hormones leptin and insulin are no different. Whenever a single hormone gets out of

balance, all other hormones will eventually be affected.

Both insulin and leptin are vital hormones that work to keep you in optimal health.


Leptin is a protein hormone that is released by fat cells in order to regulate appetite and metabolism. It

was discovered in 1994 by Jeffrey M. Friedman at Rockefeller University. Since then, it has helped

doctors learn more about obesity and its relationship with leptin resistance.

When released in high levels, leptin reduces appetite and sets of the fat burning process by signalling

the brain. However, in low levels, it will make a person feel hungry and eat food, as well as store energy

from food.

When a person’s brain becomes resistant to the signals issued by leptin, a person is said to become

leptin resistant. A leptin resistant person will continue to eat even when energy reserves have been

topped up, thus causing accumulation of fat leading to obesity.

On the other hand, a person who is leptin sensitive will have control over their hunger, metabolism and

fat storage.


It is also important to recap the basics of the hormone insulin. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas

whenever an increase in carbohydrates is detected in the bloodstream, due to an increased blood sugar

level. Our bodies have numerous insulin receptors whose function is to absorb glucose from the


If we did not have insulin, we would continue eating without any glucose reaching our cells, thus

starving them to death. Those people who have Diabetes Type 1 lose the ability to make insulin;

whereas those with Type 2 Diabetes suffer from insulin resistance, not a lack of production of insulin.

Leptin also has a connection with diabetes, and we will talk about it later in this section.

The Connection Between Insulin and Leptin Resistance

Insulin and Leptin resistance, according to researchers, go hand in hand. By following insulin reduction

techniques, the actions of leptin can be improved significantly.

The factors that cause insulin resistance consist of aging, inflammation, liver or kidney disorders, low

potassium levels, consumption of low-fat together with high-carb diets, smoking and various yeast


Insulin resistance is evident by a body mass index of between 25 and 27 kg per meter squared or more,

accumulation of fat at the belly, high blood pressure, acanthosis nigricans, and polycystic ovary


Whenever a person develops a resistance to leptin, the brain fails to receive the message sent by leptin

to stop eating and storing fat. As a result, the brain continues to assume that there is not enough fat

stored in the body. The brain also forgets where it has placed the fat while storing it. This generally leads

to storage of excess fat in the abdominal region, as well as in the liver itself. This makes the liver dump

lots of sugar from protein, thereby deteriorating the leptin resistance and eventually leading to Type 2

Diabetes (and insulin resistance).

It is clear that there’s a strong connection between leptin and insulin – however indirect – their normal

functioning is dependent on each other.

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Free on 26th - 30th Apr 15
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