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Free on 29th Jan 18 - 2nd Feb 18
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Carbohydrates are essential components of the human diet. They are the main source of energy in our body. In the recent years, many people have reportedly lost some body weight by reducing their carbohydrate intake, thereby making the consumption of low carb diet for weight loss popular among obese people. However, this doesn?t imply that opting for high protein low carb diet is always easy, undemanding, or effective. Or that it is always a good thing to do.

In today?s world, there are numerous options for everything, and diet plans are no different. (Even there is taco diet). There are many no carb diet plans and ideas available, and though they can result in loss of body weight up front, experts are still not convinced about some aspects of them. The key to successful weight-loss by reducing carb intake is to take low carb diet meals that still provide you with essential nutrients, is sustainable and healthy, and doesn?t make you feel malnourished. 

Dietary needs of each person are different, and substantially reducing a whole food group is not advisable especially if you have some medical concerns like diabetes, ulcer, cancer, etc. It is equally important to know that body weight-loss isn?t a necessity for everyone. For those who have a medical history of disordered eating, even when they are just recovering from the disorder, they need to consult a doctor before changing their eating habits or going for low carb high-fat goal. Even if you have never had a history of abnormal eating behavior, you need to lower your expectations and take a healthy approach to weight loss. Results may seem impossible to achieve, take a longer time than expected, and be incredibly difficult to maintain. There are many factors that play a major role in weight loss?such as good sleep, exercise, genetics and regulating stress level?therefore you may not get the result you desire by simply eating fewer calories. Little wonder, weight loss differs from individual-to-individual because it is influenced by many factors.

Free on 29th Jan 18 - 2nd Feb 18
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