
Free on 10th - 11th Mar 15
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Moby Dick, the great American novel, sadly goes unread by many because the original version is a very difficult read. Surviving the ordeal is often considered more noteworthy than discussing the story itself. “I finished Moby Dick,” is said in tones usually reserved for oxygen-deprived mountain peaks, or famous last words. Is it any wonder that willing, serious readers abandon it?

Now Melville’s superb storytelling genius, at the heart of Moby Dick, is carefully preserved in William Pocock’s newly abridged edition. Gone are the frustrating diversions, opaque musings, and endless trips to the dictionary of archaic polysyllabic terms.

This wonderful, exciting, humorous, and often profound adventure story is no longer buried under an avalanche of words. With this edition you’ll enjoy with ease and pleasure Melville’s full epic adventure. Discover why Captain Ahab’s relentless hunt for Moby Dick is one of the greatest tales ever told.

Free on 10th - 11th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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