
Free on 15th - 18th May 15
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Murder Seen Through the Eyes of a Child has a lot of good things to offer the reader. There is humor, drama, and adventure wrapped up into a good story line. It is a story about the lives of three young boys. As they grow up these boys are getting into one entertaining brand of mischief after another. They will keep the reader laughing as they find and create different childish pranks to play to entertain themselves. As they do they manage to find their way into trouble and somehow they find their way back out of it. Through their eyes they witness the best of people as well as the worst of people as they watch a tragedy unfold.

The book also catalogs what life was like for a mountain family who lived deep in the Appalachian mountains at a time when the coal industry was just starting to boom throughout Appalachia during the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. During this time period, people could make lots of money off the land by mining it anyway they could.

The family in our story cherished the land they owned. They were proud mountain people who would go to great limits to protect what was theirs.

Lastly readers will see the worst of people in the story. These are people who will go to great lengths to get what they want at any cost even if that means destroying property or in this case even people.

Murder Seen Through the Eyes of a Child will give the reader humor to chuckle at and possibly the reader may even see himself in the story as a child. The story also builds appreciation for the beauty the mountains have to offer and a quality of life that was cherished.

Free on 15th - 18th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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