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Free on 22nd Apr 18
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Discover today how the Paleo Diet can transform your health and change your life forever!

Despite what you may believe, you can have more energy, look and feel younger and kick the sugar addiction. If it sounds too good to be true, I promise it’s not! You can have all of this and more simply by adopting a Paleo lifestyle.

Maybe you’ve heard news stories about eating like a caveman on the Paleo Diet, but wonder if it’s right for you? Are you planning a round of Whole30? Are you unsure where to start? Paleo Diet for Beginners will explain how to eat primal in the modern world and how it can completely change your life!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that walking into a modern supermarket can be overwhelming. The sheer volume of choices eclipses common sense, making it difficult to select anything from the sea of shiny packages. If you are trying to keep yourself and your family healthy, the prospects are daunting. Every day, an onslaught of print, television and internet advertising trumpets the latest fat and sugar-laden snack food and these foods are often advertised side-by-side with the newest diet plan.

So, how can you make sense of it? An increasing number of people are overweight or obese, including children. Pick up any package and read the ingredient list and it’s easy to see why. You may need a degree in chemistry first if you want to decipher the ingredients in what you’re eating. The prevailing ideas about which foods are healthy to eat and which are not, frequently change. One day all fat is bad; the next some fats are good. Monday it is fine to eat some carbohydrates; Tuesday all carbohydrates are evil. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy!

The array of choices is even more mind-boggling, if you take a look at the limited choices available to our caveman ancestors. Cavemen ate what they could find. They did not have refined sugar, cultivated grains or trans-fatty acids. Based on what we know about nutrition, we can also surmise that there was less obesity than there is today.

The good news for you, is that the Paleo approach is part of a movement to simplify things. Complications may seem like a necessary part of modern life, but it is surprisingly easy to simplify things if you try. Processed foods are ubiquitous and inexpensive, but it does not mean that they are healthy. They may look more natural on a busy night as you make dinner for your family, but are they saving you time and money, when you factor in the costs of obesity, illness and lethargy? The Paleo Diet can help you to narrow down the choices to those that are healthiest for you and shorten your shopping time by eliminating time spent picking through processed foods.

Eating healthy and losing weight would be reason enough to try the Paleo Diet, but there are additional health benefits that go far beyond weight loss.

What do I mean? Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn…

Why the Paleo Diet is the best diet–hands down, for weight loss!Why the Paleo Diet should be considered a lifestyle and not some fad “diet”How eating Paleo can help prevent disease and agingHow eating Paleo works–without even having to count calories!A variety of exciting and delicious Paleo recipes to jumpstart your new lifestyle or your Whole30!How to get the most out of your grocery shopping tripsHow to get your kids on board with your Paleo journeyWhy the words ‘local’, ‘grassfed’ and ‘organic’ should be high on your priority listAnd much more!

Paleo Diet for Beginners will help you decide if eating like our primal ancestors is the right choice for you and give you all the information you need to start reaping the benefits of a Paleo lifestyle! Grab your copy of this Paleo guide today.

tags: paleo diet for beginners, paleo for beginners, paleo approach, paleo c

Free on 22nd Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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