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This book will show you how to effortlessly lose weight while enjoying your meals!

The word Paleo comes from “Paleolithic Diet” a term used to refer to a new dietary lifestyle that is rapidly becoming popular globally. The diet revolves around eating that which our ancestors ate, which include game or wild meat, nuts, poultry, sea foods and fruits such as berries. In addition, it’s thought that the ancient man didn’t value milking animals and only the newborns enjoyed milk from their mothers. This diet has been attributed to provide many benefits among them boost energy levels, weight loss and heal ailments linked to poor dietary lifestyles.

The caveman’s diet is nowadays considered an alternative diet since the current agricultural and technological advancements have led to modification of plants and animals. For instance, the GMOs or genetically modified organisms are linked to cancer and other killer diseases. Therefore, in an attempt to be as healthy as our ancestors, we need to go back to what our ancestors. So what exactly does the paleo diet entail?

The Paleo lifestyle is a natural diet that can help fuel and energize the body through supply of proteins and healthy fats as opposed to high sugar carbs. The ancient man ate a limited amount of carbs and no processed foods at all. However, high sugar carbs and processed foods are what form the bulk of what most Americans eat. For instance, grains are one of the most commonly eaten foods. However, grains are not necessarily healthy. Grains have a substance called lectin, which can hamper absorption of other nutrients making them counterproductive to your diet. You need this book!!

Here is a preview of what you’ll learn…

What is the Paleo diet?What foods to eatWhat foods to avoidPaleo diet macro nutrientsPaleo diet on your thyroid

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Free on 17th - 21st Apr 16
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