
Free on 23rd May 16
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Second Edition

Cristina Rosa 5 Stars Review

“Parenting tips you need”

, August 13, 2014

Jamie 5 Stars Review

“The parenting guide every mom should read!”

, August 13, 2014

All parents know the drill; lay on the baby talk thick and make sure children stay young for as long as possible. One look at Limor Friedman’s three successful daughters would have anyone believing that her and Mr. Friedman stuck by the same parenting ‘rule book’ to the letter when, in reality, they threw it out of the window as soon each child was born. Having proudly paved their own way of parenting, Friedman is urging others to do the same in her powerful new book.

‘Mom’s Journey’ offers hundreds of tips on raising kids the stress-free way while maintaining a career and balancing life’s other ever-changing demands. Friedman’s model involves no shouting, no unnecessary stress, a lot of love and the key ingredient – no conforming to the belief that the ‘common way’ is necessarily the right way.

“We found raising our three daughters to be very easy – and not many parents can say that!” admits Friedman. “We made a pact that we’d pave our own way and not conform to the ‘common way’ just because we assumed it worked. In fact, we discovered that many of our own strategies were more successful and simpler. For example, we skipped the baby talk and always spoke to our baby daughters as if they understood each word. The doctor was amazed at how quickly their communications skills developed; with our daughters forming their first words aged just seven months!” says Friedman.

Continuing, “Most books on parenting are written by psychologists, but mine was written from the heart and experience. Our over-riding message is one of really shaping parenting into something you can own and, in the process, not wasting time or making mistakes in the pursuit of the norm. You’d be amazed how enjoyable and simple raising kids can be!”

The book’s content was drawn from eighteen years of experience, and typed on an iPhone in a diner as Friedman’s youngest daughter attended gym class.

“This is probably the only full-length book to have been written on a mobile device. All I had to do was recall memories and strategy; before I knew it I had a book. It’s chock-full of tips that parents can deploy no matter how young or old their children are. Ultimately, we nudged our daughters in the right direction and they figured out their own path in life. By reading my book, your kids can do the same,” she adds.

Free on 23rd May 16
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