Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 22nd - 23rd Apr 17
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A fallacy of logic is an error in reasoning. It is a bad argument. It may appear convincing, but it doesn’t actually prove anything.

A phallus of logic is a total dick who lies for personal or political gain. They use deception to influence your beliefs and choices. If you don’t know what to listen for, they can easily succeed.

There are hundreds of named fallacies but no official list. Different sources will define a given fallacy a little differently. Many fallacies overlap in some way, or are specific types of a broader fallacy. Some go back to the days of Socrates and Aristotle, which is why they have fancy Latin names you can use to sound smart at parties. Others have been identified along the way. Don’t worry about memorizing every fallacy–that’s for weirdos. With each new fallacy you learn about, you will become more fluent at listening skeptically and detecting broken logic. You will probably end up remembering a few fallacies anyway, you big nerd.

Each chapter of this book will showcase a particular fallacy with real life examples. The examples will be related to issues and events including presidential campaigns, LGBTQ rights, police brutality, CIA torture, Planned Parenthood, Trump University, evolution, and more. While this book could have easily been written with an even split between Democrats and Republicans, it wasn’t. Most of the examples involve fallacies committed by conservatives. There will be some liberal arguments critiqued here, and some Republicans will be defended, but the majority of this book will analyze faulty logic from the right-wing. Some of the repeat offenders in this book include Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Rudy Giuliani, Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Ray Comfort.

While there are plenty on both sides using fallacies to support their claims, the GOP has risen to a different level. It is only by ignoring fact, science, and reason that one can support current Republican positions. Claiming that evolution is a lie, climate change is a hoax, and pizza is a vegetable requires a unique brand of fallacious reasoning.

Free on 22nd - 23rd Apr 17
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