
Free on 16th - 20th Oct 17
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I was assigned a speech to give, I though I had prepared enough I did everything I needed to be ready. I had spoken in public before, so I though “this will be a piece of cake”. Before getting on stage my heart started racing, I got extremely nervous as I grabbed the microphone. I tried to make a joke, and it was not funny at all. I began speaking, and I quickly ran out of words, I had nothing to say within 2 minutes. My notes were horrible, I hadn’t eaten all day, and I was so off topic. I got of the stage saying “that’s all I have”. Even a girl I liked was in the audience, I was so embarrassed. I never though I would under perform like that on stage after my sophomore year in high school, I was in college! After that experience I really beat up on myself, until I realized everyone fails in life one time or another. I learned that the failure I just went through would build me back up even stronger. My next speech was amazing, I never felt better in my life. After my worst speech, the rest of the speeches I performed just got better, and better!

At some point in our lives we all have to speak in front of a large group of people.

Public speaking is one of the most uncomfortable thing for most people. Getting to a point

where you can give an amazing compelling speech is everyone’s dream. The thing is sometimes we have to fail to succeed,just as Michael Jordan says “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”This e book will encourage those who find public speaking a great burden.

How doing horrible at a speech, will actually pave the way to your best speech.

We have all had or will have a speech that is just not that great. We may even feel a particular speech is a disaster. Wow I didn’t see that going so bad, Its a horrible feeling. The thing is you think you did worst than you actually did. This feeling is good because our mind rewinds every little thing that went wrong. Your brain is trying to fix the speech that went wrong. Thus your next speech will be better, its like working a muscle. One interesting thing is the worst speech of your life usually happens once, twice, or even three times. First in high school probably, then college, and later in the work world. Riding the waves is key, not giving up the first time you do bad. Hopefully this e book can encourage you to continue getting better at public speaking, and realize your worst speech is your best friend!

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Free on 16th - 20th Oct 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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