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Free on 30th Jun 17 - 4th Jul 17
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A ruler is betrayed and his young daughter is forced to flee or die…

Teenage Zastra is a big disappointment to her father, Leodra, ruler of Golmeira, because she hasn’t got what it takes to become a mindweaver, one of the highly valued few who can manipulate the thoughts of others. Things get much worse for Zastra when she is roused from her bed to find that Leodra has been betrayed and her beloved Golmer Castle overrun with enemy soldiers. She escapes via the castle’s ancient underground tunnels, only to be faced with a terrible choice. Hunted across the turbulent landscape of Golmeira, Zastra must rely on her wits and the help of strangers as she tries to outrun the powerful forces set upon her trail.
‘Realm of Mindweavers is a great read, exciting, well-crafted and full of powerful well-realised characters.’ Brian Keaney, author.

Free on 30th Jun 17 - 4th Jul 17
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