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Free on 26th - 30th Aug 15
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Stop your Shopping Addiction in it’s tracks!

Not just for Kindle! Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

You are about to discover how to STOP Compulsive Spending and Shopping Addiction for life!

Say goodbye to over spending impulsively and your compulsive tendencies to shop! This book contains proven steps, strategies and tips on how to stop being a shopaholic and recover from the many after effects that a shopping addiction can bring. The very best way to treat a compulsive behavior such as a shopping addiction is to fully understand the problem. Shopping addiction is no laughing matter and can devastate your finances, your relationships and even your future. Most people do not realize how serious of a problem this behavior can actually be until it is too late. Most are unable to change simply because the addiction has become a never-ending pattern of behavior in their everyday lives. Millions of people struggle with overspending. It’s time to take control!

This book will help shed some light on the common issues faced by shopaholics by explaining the following:

The exact reasons why we shop compulsivelyWhere do these compulsive/addictive behaviors come fromExplaining what a Compulsive Buying Disorder is and the warning signsThe many consequences of Shopping AddictionHow to Cure Shopping Addiction and other compulsive behaviors once and for all!Much, much more!

If you suspect that you or a loved one suffers from a compulsive behavior like shopping addiction or compulsive spending, please take action today by downloading a copy of this book, take the short questioner inside and begin to understand the kind of help that is needed to finally overcome this problem for good.

Take control of your spending & Download your copy of “Shopping Addiction: What you Need to Know to STOP Compulsive Spending and Other Addictive Behaviors for Life!”, today!

Tags: Shopping Addiction, compulsive spending, compulsive shopping, retail therapy, debtors anonymous, compulsive debtors, self-help, Insecurity, Unstable, shopaholic, shopping addiction cure, impulse buying, spending, impulse spending, retail therapy, debt, shopping malls, credit card spending, impulse buyers, online spending, online buying, bad debt, shopping therapy, life coach, addicted to shopping, debt accumulation, addictive behavior, recovery, shopping addiction, addiction, spending addiction, spending, compulsive shopping, shopping, compulsive behavior, debt, bankruptcy, money management, financial planning, credit, credit repair, addiction recovery, addiction treatment, hoarding, compulsive hoarding, bad credit, budget, budget planning, spending detox, compulsive behavior, Codependency, low self-esteem

Free on 26th - 30th Aug 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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