
Free on 9th - 11th May 24
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Agreeing or not with the death penalty, death row killers committed some of the most atrocious crimes ever and are awaiting their execution on death row. Meet some of the evilest and heinous death row killers today.

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It’s a hard thing to comprehend. Innocent life is taken, and a cold-blooded killer has absolutely no remorse. It is for such heinous individuals that society usually reserves its harshest of penalties. For there are some crimes and some criminals that simply seem to go beyond the pale. These murderers not only kill but do so in such a depraved manner that public outrage builds to a fever pitch until the only thing that will satiate the desire for justice is the death penalty.

Here in this book, we will go over a wide variety of death penalty cases. Some of them involve infamous serial killers such as the Grim Sleeper; in others, like that of Lisa Montgomery–who killed a pregnant woman and surgically removed her baby–the circumstances were simply so malicious that the crime was judged to merit death. The motives for the crime vary as well, but the sentences don’t. Here you will find some of the most notorious killers ever to sit on death row.

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Free on 9th - 11th May 24
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